Pixsys Electronics USA

We Measure and Control.

Here are question that are frequenty asked

Is there a panel meter that has an OLED display and a Modbus output?
Yes, the STR551 OLED Panel Meter perfectly fits this requirement. It features a large OLED display for clear visualization and Modbus RTU support for seamless integration into industrial automation systems, making it an ideal choice for applications requiring both features.
Is there a low-cost CANopen temperature controller available?
Yes, the DRR460-12A-CAN is a cost-effective CANopen PID temperature controller. It offers precise temperature control and seamless integration into CANopen networks, making it an ideal solution for industrial applications requiring efficient temperature management.
Is there a low-cost Modbus temperature controller available?
Yes, the DRR460-12A-T128 is a cost-effective Modbus temperature controller. It offers precise temperature control and seamless integration into Modbus networks, making it an ideal solution for industrial applications requiring efficient temperature management.
How to set up a Pizza oven temperature controller.
The oven has a gas control valve that heats up the oven, an induction fan to circulate the air, and an over-temperature alarm.
I have used one controller to do the three functions, but I would always advise that the over-temperature function should be done by a separate temperature controller.
For this application, I used an ATR244-12ABC temperature controller from Pixsys.
I have used the MyPixsys APP and a K-type thermocouple.
Connect the thermocouple to Terminals 18 and 19.
Connect power to terminals 1 and 2. I used 110 Vac, but the ATR244-12ABC can accept power from 24 to 230 Volts AC or DC.
Upload MyPixsys app to your phone. Click the scan button and hold the phone center to the controller. All the settings are now on the phone. I would now set up the controller in steps.
Step 1: click group A, select Sen.1, and select tc. K for K type thermocouple and click the tick. Now, write the change to the ATR244-12ABC controller. Then, reboot the controller by clicking the up and set buttons. After a few seconds, the controller should reboot and then read the temperature of the thermocouple.
Step 2 Now, set the analog output for the control valve. Click Group C Outputs and process control 1. Change P-35 to 4-20 ma to control the valve. Upload the changes and reboot. Change the temperature set point, and see if the 4-20mA changes or if the control valve opens and closes.
Step 3 Now set the Alarm 1 Function to bring in the air circulator. Click group G Alarm 1 and Select P-123 Abs. Upper for the absolute Upper Alarm Activation. Also, set some Hysteresis with P-128 to stop the fan from switching on and off around the measured temperature. Set it to about 20.
Step 4 Now set the Alarm 2 Function to bring in the over-temperature cut out. Click group H Alarm 2 and Select P-141 Abs. upper for the absolute Upper Alarm Activation. Also, set some Hysteresis with P-146 to immediately bring down the temperature in the over-temperature condition occurs. I would suggest this to be set so the temperature would return to near the ambient temperature. So if the controlling temperature is 500’F then this should be 400’F, So the oven will not switch on again.
Now, at the bottom of the app it says Setpoints. Click Setpoints, and you can set the Setpoint and the 2 Alarms. Then, upload the program to the ATR244-12ABC controller. Now enjoy your perfectly cooked Pizza.
I would strongly check with an electrician to see if you have the relay logic set up correctly.

Pixsys Electronics USA

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